Friday, November 18, 2005

Heves Plays Host

Woo woo!! Roll out the red carpet!!

Heves and I are welcoming our first guest this weekend. :-)

Miss Gaines Greer, photographer extraordinaire and partner to all sorts of shenanigans, is the winner of the finest bottle of wine Egerszalok's Kolhari vineyard has to offer. Every inch (there aren't too many of them) of the apartment has been masterfully scrubbed and the kitchen tidied.

Gaines is a planner -- you know that type of Southern belle -- and insisted on an itinerary. I went to the great length of reserving a guesthouse room in Eger for Saturday night. We've decided to splurge and feel like "adults." The best part? The reservation conversation was conducted exclusively in Hungarian!! Promises to be a delightful weekend. I'm smiling.

And last night, while I was cleaning? Only the biggest thing ever, apparently, to hit the German-speaking world. MTV had been advertising it for weeks. An hour before they had a countdown show, complete with countdown timer in the corner:


And it was nice, in honesty. Download "Hier Kommt Alex" or "Zehn Kleine Jagermeister" and give it a listen for yourself.


At 5:03 PM, Blogger YK said...

Die Toten Hose are still together? I remember buying a greatest hits CD of theirs in Germany in 1996; the tune The Year 2000 comes to mind. Hilarious.

Where will we be in the year 2000/When there's no more hunger and there's no more war/New Year's Day in the year 2000/The time has come-we've had enough-we won't take anymore!

I'm shocked I can remember that, Hu-Ha!

At 2:28 PM, Blogger Gaines said...

Excellent, Yerik. You are the only person I know who would actually know who a random "dead pants" band is. I feel like I should be surprised, but I'm really not at all.


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