Friday, August 26, 2005

Eliciting (Generative Situations)

You might think that all this educational methodology has gotten to me, but we've balanced the academia with a different manner of elicitation, as well, one that comes in a bottle: the merits of the liquors "bikaver" and "palinka." The former is the infamous Bull's Blood wine and the later is a brandy, often home-made, the bottle we chose was plum.

All week we had feigned ignorance to the innate beauty and culture behind Hungarian libations, but finally we were ready to sample and celebrate. I'm not going to lie and say that we were quiet after quiet hours in the dorm, but there's something to be said for singing "Sweet Child of Mine" in a foreign land with people who really understand.

Gaines and I, it could be said, lived up to our Delta Delta Delta/Delta Delta Iota sibling-hood, and took to hoarding the Bikaver as a chaser for the palinka long after everyone else gave up. It would stand to reason this is one of the major factors behind taking 25 pictures of ourselves on her digital camera and various other shenanigans. Outstanding.


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