Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Bowled Over


i nearly pooped my pants when i read about the offensive explosion. apparently the Denver Broncos have traded Ron Dayne back to college football. i hope they do not require RB Brian Calhoun in exchange.

today in class I had a wonderful time quizzing one of my 15-year-old pupils on her 21-year-old boyfriend. other highlights include teaching first hour the Camp Nan A Bo Sho finger game. as no one wanted to volunteer, they learned quickly that the last person to put their finger on their nose loses and has to volunteer. the two pretty girls in the front of the room did not catch on quickly to the game. felt like an expert today as i helped fellow English teachers understand the word "conduit" and why we say "i don't know any of the people IN the picture" as opposed to "i don't know any of the people ON the picture."


At 5:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeremy - glad to hear that you are getting settled. We enjoyed a beautiful labor day weekend on the jet boat. Sorry to hear about your social life (or lack thereof) Just remember you have always been good at finding something to do (think UWGB freshman year). Hope all is well, talk to you later.

R.J. and Gaby

At 9:32 PM, Blogger bmo said...


yoyou rock my world. If the nights get too lonely try serenading the beautiful babies with a little Total Eclipse of the Heart.


At 12:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm sooo glad that i can now read about ur trials in Hungary.. what i wouldnt give to be there too. Please think of me atleast one friday night and do as I did on my vacation there.. drink 9 rounds of vodka at a cheap pub then go and "dance" with random but hott strangers at a club.. who knows you might pick up someone interesting.. thats my tips for Hungary for yah... Also I can't remember if i todl you or not.. I probably shouldve.. make sure u keep that quirky, odd, always ready cheerfullness that you did when teaching us, most people in Hungary are very crabby and tend to act like they have a huge stick up their ass, and want nothing more then to bring as many ppl down with them as possible.. just pretend that instead of all those mean ppl u are surrounded by your wonderullf 7th hour class full of teens that just wanted to smack that smile off your face everytime you would bring up that stupid grammar chart.. cuz i must say i dont know how u did it but u left quiet the impression on us.. keep it up.. and hopefully i might get to come visit you come xmas (I'm still workin on it with my parents...)
hope to hear from you soon

sok csok ~*~ Zsanett

P.S. i cant wait to hear how Hungary has helped u pronounce my real name.. but u can keep calling me jenny.. just as i will most likely keep calling you Jewett

At 8:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Bro....thanks for the birthday card! Hungarians don't use stamps??? No wonder Eva knew nothing about the termal baths...I'm guessing she doesn't hang around that crowd. Ciao!

At 10:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just keep laughing at all the things you wrote here. I have seen your country and the way you live back home and at least I can understand what the heck you're talking about.
I look up in the dictionary what bádogos means, and it said: "tinker", "tinman". ???
I promise I'll watch Batman with you and take you out kayaking on Saturday and get drunk with you avoiding drinking alone again.

And get ready for Berlin and Stockhom...

Love, Dixie

At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey j
Everytime I read one of your stories it makes me laugh, or at least smile. Im glad I can keep in touch. I started school yesterday and with that came starting french, yikes! So far so good. Hope you meet some people as wonderful as you to have fun with.

At 5:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jewett Mania!
Not even kidding, I'm going to miss you tons this year J. :( But, I'm loving this website that is dedicated to the one and only Mr Jewett. Sounds like youre having some big adventures over there, and I can't wait to hear about more. With love,


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