Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from Hungary!

How about we learn some Hungarian vocabulary for the holiday?

Thanksgiving - Halaadas (or das Erntedankfest, it pays to be trilingual.)

Turkey - Pulyka (der Puter, auf Deutsch.)

That's been my week. Bragging to kids that we don't have school in America today, or even Friday! Playing Hangman until they figure out that "giving" is the second half of the word behind "thanks." Explaining the basics of Indo-Pilgrim relations. (Sticking to the essentials, like the fact that both parties existed, and that perhaps turkey was involved). Then we trace our hands and draw a primitive turkey. Good stuff.

But the better stuff will happen this weekend, when the American teachers and even some wanna-be Americans will gather in Nyireghaza for turkey and stuffing, pies and potatoes...everything but the football!

P.S. In an attempt to learn to be self-sufficent, I turn to you, the reader: Is it bad when one side of your yogurt sucks itself in and then there's green mold growing in it? Thanks for your advice.


At 4:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, that is bad. Do not eat green yogurt, ever. It will taste bad, really bad.

Can you say "I want a refund" in Hungarian?

At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Turkey=tacchino in italiano

Happy thanksgiving Jeromos.

At 12:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and one more thing: yoghurt nem jó...I wonder if it's moving already..:)

At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...will gather in Nyireghaza for turkey and stuffing, pies and potatoes - everything but the football."

Cool! bon appetit! (Don't worry, the football thing is overrated.)

At 4:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmm... Turkey... enjoy! I'm away from home living in Canada so it feels more like the States, but still no thanksgiving this weekend, either. =(

At 7:16 PM, Blogger laurajuhasz said...

Jeremy ! Ich erinne mich an happy Thanksgiving . Scjreib uns ! enikő laura ádám kittti márk pityu und Bence!
mein e-mail:


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